Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Tate, whew

There is a lot to sigh about lately, but let me tell you of one.

I was sitting here a few moments ago working on a verbatim for work, as Jen was giving Tate a bottle, and hear her say, "Come on Tate!!" I jump up, because those were not normal words, and the tone of voice was not normal either. And she follows up with, "He's not breathing!!!!"

I run into the den, and pound on his back, as he is struggling to get that crap of powdered milk turned liquid out of his mouth. At this point, he was still sitting up, and I said, lay him on his belly, at the same time I grabbed him and put his head facing down in my left hand, his belly on my left forearm, and beat the crap out of his back. I heard a little cough, and some goop began dripping out, at which point, I finger swept his tongue and hit his gag reflex, and boom, the junk came out on the floor. He was very tired as it was, and I guess was not ready for food. And being an Eller does not do well to your allergies and sinus cavities. So there you have it. He's back in bed. I don't even think we spent a total of 1 minute doing all that. I noticed his hands twitching a little, and picked him up to make sure he was ok. I looked in his eyes, made him cry some more, stood him up, squeezed his hand.....I think that's enough for me. I can do without these scares of life. I'm not even sure how we're supposed to feel. Do we feel anything? Scared sh9tless? maybe so. Adrenaline finding its way back to the hypothalamus, or just being secreted out through sweat glands. But for now. I gotta go to bed, and hope my heart stops pounding.
But I have one question, how many times do you think, call 911, before you really do?
Sigh........................ Happy 6months buddy.

I love my family in NY, Joe and Laura, Sophia and Ira.


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