Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What does HIS church mean?

In our guys group last night, while discussing the topic of "Getting out of the boat" or taking that first step of faith, there was some discussion as to the direction of the church. How it needs to change. There were comments like:
-I hope the church in the future is better than it is now
-I hope the church is not so wrapped up in itself.
-What can we do?
-How can we step out of our comfort zone?
-What is my comfort zone?

So help me answer some of these questions. But before you do, here is my thought about the church.

I have heard it from a few others in different churches as to the direction of "the church". Should we be more outwardly focused? Shouldn't we offer an environment that appeals to the common folk? The visitor? The stranger to our church?
But where does this leave those of us "members" of the church already who are hurting with secret sins? Those who don't want to even get out of their comfort zone to seek healing? Do we just ignore those in our body already, to seek out those who are "really lost". Where does the comment, "The church is a hospital for sinners" fit in with this line of thinking? Why should we refocus our attention off of the hurting within the church, and being ministering to those who don't know? Do we really have an inviting environment for the common man to come in and seek healing for his pain?

Lots of questions... but that's how we grow. By being challenged.


Blogger The Boomerang said...


We are all hurting with secret sins, and one of the problems with churchs - especially of the evangelical/southern baptist type -is that we are not really suposed to show we are struggling.

I guess the question that really needs to get asked is "What masks are we being expected to wear here?" "are my opinions REALLY my opinions or am I trotting our some party line" "do I sound like a clone?" and "is there room in my church for sinners?".

Any church with no room for sinners, has no room for me.

7/12/2005 1:27 PM  
Blogger sirEller said...

I heard on the radio this morning, a preacher talking about this very issue. And he mentioned something I think we need to keep in mind as far as what church is. That is... if we are not out there sharing our faith, we are not living the life God desires. So yeah, we are here to bring others to Christ, that is our main purpose, our calling as Christians.
However, I still want a church who cares for itself. Don't you?

7/13/2005 11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's kind of like THE Great Sales Pitch - seems to offer you the world, then when you commit to "buying the product" or becoming a "member" - it's not exactly what you thought you were buying.

Part of a good sales process is following up after the sale has been made and making sure our new client/customer is happy and stays happy. The same has to go for the church - we need to make sure we take care of the members. We can't just worry about making another sale and forget about the one's that we have already sold.

My gripe about the Church is the fact that we neglect to take care of the members. Where's the sincerity, the tough questions, the accountability? Not everyone is doing as well as they seem on the outside.

I go to Church every Sunday, believe in Christ - but am very turned off by the Church. Is it the Church I go to, the city it resides or is it just my attitude?

7/13/2005 1:22 PM  
Blogger The Boomerang said...

Anonymous, (you sound like a Greek Philosopher lol) I think your feelings here are perhaps indicative of the rates of depression in Evangelical churchs. I was briefly drawn to this particular brand of Christianity, but found the lack of support, and the lack of ability to be gentle with people when they fell apart too much. Too much judgement, the whole " you're faith must be weak if you are hurting" or "if you get physically ill (or even mentally) then there must be something wrong with you".

Well, there IS something wrong - we are frail and fallen, but that goes for inside independent churchs as outside.

Looking after church members means realising that there will be times when they disappoint, have affairs, get arrested, get sued for dodgy business deals, etc Better to realise this than force people into that terribly easy sin of hipocracy.

7/14/2005 2:37 AM  
Blogger sirEller said...

We must also be careful in how we represent the church, b/c some view Christ through the methods we uphold and worship at the physical location. I think a lot of people are turned off by the church, which concerns me a great deal, b/c its more about being turned on by Jesus Christ. Having a relationship with Him. enough to look over the little petty things of the body, and living as we are called to live. Self-lessly. For Christ. Giving up our own wants and desires, to serve him.

That definately needs to be part of our role in the church, before we can expect to do it on Monday morning in the office.

7/14/2005 6:53 AM  

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