Thursday, March 09, 2006


Last night at church, we were given a going away reception at church. A very powerful time to be loved on by those we have been close to at our church these last few years... or should I say, decade. The next 2 weeks of life are going to be quite foggy and confusing. I'm taking a trip tomorrow and try to move in as much as we can before the final move date March24th.
I've come to love my kids in a new way. When I leave for work, Blakely always makes sure I don't go until she goes to the dining room window, to sign I love you, and blow kisses to me as I back out of the driveway.
Let's see, what else.....Sunday we had baby dedication at church, for all those children born over the last year. Well, in honor of Noah and Ira, I wore my tie I bought for Noah's service, and made sure my green Ira band was showing as I held up my boy Tate for all to see. The lives of those boys have impacted our family greatly. Blakely still prays constantly for Ira and all the babies who are sick. Her heart is great with love for babies. Even though she says she doesn't want to be married or have kids....she'll be a good mother someday. She and Jack continue to tickle me, with their stories and lives. Tate's eyes and love for his daddy gives me a kickstart on those hard days. Especially now that he loves to chew on my nose, and send slobber all over the place. It sure is refreshing when your children can make you laugh, really laugh. Like sticking their finger in your bellybutton while wrestling on the floor. Or acting out bible stories while we read at night. Jackson retold the entire story of Jonah last night at dinner. Almost word for word from what it says in his little bible. 6 pages of verbatims, spat out over a hotdog. Amazing. His memory is awesome and will be powerful.

We will miss our constant connections to those in Houston, but will not necessarily be too far gone. I don't know what 4 years looks like or where we'll end up. But I do know the home we have here in MoCity is a blessing to be remembered for the rest of our lives.


Blogger jch said...

I love you, I love you, I love you. You are a good friend, brother and exemplar. May the next leg of your journey be blessed.

3/15/2006 8:29 AM  

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