Monday, May 01, 2006

the Wings of Noah

A lot that has happened this last year. Any talk show or magazine would love to sit down and make a movie, or jot down some timelines. So, some of those of mine would include:
Ira's Birth 4/21/05
Noah's Birth 5/3/05
Noah's death. 5/11/05
Tate's birth 8/31/05
Career change 12/25/05
Internship 1/3/06
Move towns 3/25/06
New job, new school, new church ----

Well, those are just some landmarks in my life. I tried to include some of the kids and wife, but this last year has been filled with transition, loss, grief, mourning, and transition ... and disruption of normality. Wouldn't it be so nice if things went how we planned them to go. This is the biggest lesson I learned while interning at Lifeline Chaplaincy as a chaplain intern. One minute, you are taking kids all over town, running a business, paying bills, driving on trips, go to the doctor, and he ships you to Houston for months of chemo. So he hopes. Then you find out the chemo didn't work, need a place to stay, family is separated, there is no more normal of life. Then, just when you think it's all over, and you can't handle anymore... someone dies.
It brings out a good tech term coined in the compassnet days... life just gets horked up. And we just try to keep our head up, or at least above water.
And this last year, for me at least, has brought about such feelings of exhaustion, drowning in stress worry and loss, wandering aimlessly with no place to sit, seeking that creek to be refreshed but only finding dirt, being kicked in the gut after you trip over the rocks... how many freakin analogies can there be? But as the lament of the psalmist and others that precede me reflect, we see a resolution to some of those cycles of pain and struggle. Not necessarily an end, but a point at which we find our SOURCE of living water, and sit down to rest. So weary, and thirsty. And yet, so filled. If you bring this to its fruition, there will be more times we will get up to wander, and travel the road of life, and in order for that journey to continue and remain on course, we need that source of living water. We long for the hand on our shoulder to urge us forward. We desire that hug of acceptance and pride at the close of the day. And we need the clouds of the sky to point us higher as we wait for that day to Fly Away


Blogger jch said...


5/02/2006 10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful, heartfelt words!

9/13/2006 8:48 AM  

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