Monday, October 24, 2005

best movie

Friday afternoon, I picked up 2 pink lilies, 1 for Jen and 1 for Blakely. Went home, and picked up Blakely for a date. We went to see "Dreamer" at 4pm. This is, by far, the best movie I have seen in a long time. But to say its better than Dances with Wolves could be a stretch, but it is right up there with it.
It took all I had to keep from breaking down in the middle of the PG rated movie in front of Blakely. There was parts in the movie that were so moving, emotionally, excitement, seeing Kris Kristofferson again (haha), that it just made my day. It was fun. It was clean, for the most part. No sex scenes, no cussing (d*mn and he*l) were the only words used maybe 5-6 times, and lots of excitement. The race at the end, was just as fun as watching a real race. Even though we knew who would win, there was somehow some overflow of joy as Dreamer crossed the line. So much so, that people clapped in the theatre.
So I recommend you go see it. But be ready to go see a really good movie. Family movie. Great filming. Great actors. Real. Speaking of, we're going to buy a horse farm. Haha.

After posting this, I noticed that even on the website of the movie, they have a bible study guide that goes along with this movie. What kind of movies have this available?


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