Monday, May 15, 2006

My experience with traditionalism

So I mentioned a few weeks ago about what I encountered that led me to relate it to traditionalism. And here it is. In my inexperience of what tradition is and the definition of traditionalism, this may or may not be what you term or deem traditionalism.
The kids and I were driving home from the library, or lunch, or something downtown Abilene. We had just dropped off mom at work. As we approached a red light, it was just turning green. I was looking in the mirror at the kids, so I was not paying too much attention that I could begin speeding up. I believe it was 3 seconds after my light turned green that a lady crossed paths in front of me from my right. I was no where near the intersection yet, but the audacity of her to just run the red light was offending. I honked of course, and got the typical, traditional response... and kind wave saying, oh gee, I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry I hope you understand. I could not believe it. She would have been better flipping me off, at least then her actions of driving would correspond with her driving abilities or inabilities. So how you ask does this relate to traditionalism?
So often we are going through life, doing things we have always done, or see other people doing. And at some point, the red light doesn't really mean stop. It doesn't even mean slow down, or yield. It just means, I do not have time to stop and allow others the respect to their turn. And when we totally just mess up, we think a little wave will make it alright.
Sin. Ooops, I messed up again. But who cares, sorry Lord, hope you understand that I just don't have time to stop now and change my direction of temptation. I'm so far in this, it's too late to slam on the brakes or to even slow down as I approach the red light. Our ears can no longer hear the Holy Spirit guide us to the open door, the out of the situation and the freedom from such actions leading to compulsive behaviors. Make sense? Do you see those red lights in life, and just assume God will understand you can't stop right now? And hopefully those folks who mean the most to you will understand your simple "I'm sorry" wave and allow you to move on in life, to not confront your situation or sin because of non-of-ya-bizness. It's the way us humans have acted for a long time, because we see others getting away with it.

But one of these days, this type of ignorance to the destruction of sin and habits will lead to an accident injuring more than just ourselves.


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