Wednesday, June 07, 2006

playing mr. mom

So what's it really like staying home with the kids? Well, luckily Jen has been through this before, and was adamant on having a schedule so that everyone would not go crazy. So begin our time here in this new season... we have school at home. Few days a week they go to 'day school' at a church, and little T and I have some time alone. The other 3 days, we mix it up. Go on walks, go to the library once a week for story time, but definitely, 20-40 minutes of school. Where we learn our ABC's, words and songs, the pledge of allegiance (which they don't understand is not just once a year), coloring, gluing, writing on the chalkboard. But Blakelys favorite time is show and tell. At least that's what she told mom yesterday.
That's when I realized, this isn't just stuff to fill time, or keep me sane, or add events to an empty day. This is their life with dad. For a few months, these 3 kids have something special. And I'm glad I have it with them. Their mom can never be replaced, for she is important and valuable and perfect. I am glad to be their dad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an awesome opportunity you have to spend this valuable time with your kids! Corey and I feel like we too are blessed to be able to share these responsibilities. I love that my boys get to hang out with their dad while I'm at work. I get to pick up where he left off the next day when he goes to the station. Although some days are challenging, we know that we will look back soon and they will be grown. This time is special.

6/16/2006 7:57 PM  

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