Saturday, June 03, 2006

Our birthdays

The other day, Tate and I celebrated our birthdays. He was 9months. I was a year older. Ha.
We've made good progress this week in Jacks bathroom trips, and probably broke some records of the longest "yards". He also learned this week, that he can change his own clothes, take them off, and put them on. That has really given us a few more minutes of freedom. Ahh.
Today is cousin Alyssas birthday, and we'll be missing it. So we hope she has a good party without us. We did make a little video for her, but it's too big to put out for public viewing. So if you stop by her house, make sure you ask to see it. It's got outtakes and all. Which brings me to our next improvement, a DVD burner.

So what do you get a dad for his 32nd birthday. How about a watch, Robert Earl Keen and Billy Joe Shaver CDs, and our favorite gift of all... a new 01 Hat, seen below.


Blogger MDM said...

I am seeing Robert Earl this Wednesday here in Phoenix!! Happy Birthday. Tell Jen hi for me.

6/03/2006 12:41 PM  
Blogger Joyce B. said...

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6/03/2006 10:22 PM  
Blogger Joyce B. said...

Happy birthday boys! I love the updates on your family.

Hi Jennifer, saw your comment, thanks! I'm glad you mentioned the balloon ride as I have three Jens who comment. However it did link back to this blog so that's good.

Email me a jjbrehmer at austin dot rr dot com.

6/03/2006 11:13 PM  

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