Saturday, August 26, 2006

1 year later

As we approach the anniversary of the natural disasters of the history, we also approach Tate's 1 year birthday. As I recall, sitting in the triage room, waiting for a room, we watched the flood waters of Katrina, and the many folks trying to find a way out. A great analogy for what Tate went through, right? I got his birthday video made, and it's longer than either of the other 2 kids. Not sure what happened, but I thought the 3rd kid didn't get many pictures or videos taken. Well, this one did. It's hard not to, considering his name means "Cheerful one". Few more days, and little Tater will be 1.
Monday I start classes for school, and a student worker position. It will be about 12hrs/week, and I think it will be a great experience. It is in the University counseling center. In case you wondered what you could pray for, it would probably be my brain. It seems there is still some plasticity within, so I'm just hoping these decisions to add more to my day doesn't precipitate the grey matter to concrete.


Blogger Joyce B. said...

I hope your first week goes well!

8/28/2006 9:47 PM  

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