Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sex ed for my kids is my job

Take a look at link below, and sign the petition going around from AFA.
I have a statement about this, if the courts think its their job to decide to teach our children about sex and not the parents, will they also be willing to pay for that education, as well as life insurance, health insurance and benefits, gas money to drive to the court decisional school of choice for sex ed, books and materials, clothes so that the kids will have something to wear during the sex class and all that other stuff parents do? Where will this decision stop? Is there not a role us as parents have in "training up our children"? This is plain stupid, and it angers me a great deal. But also motivates me even more to get into this arena and fight for our families.

Petition To The U.S. Supreme Court Concerning The Rights Of Parents
Court Says They, Not Parents, Have Final Say In Teaching Sex Education To Their Children
Read and sign here-> http://www.afa.net/petitions/signpetition.asp?id=1450


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