Friday, March 24, 2006

Today is the day

I can't believe its finally here, the day we have been talking about moving to Abilene. We spent the night with mom/dad because all our matresses were packed up. Uhaul was loaded with big stuff by 5pm yesterday, now we just have to figure out what needs to go from garage and if we should take the dogs... yes I'm kidding. Everything in garage is going. hahahaa.

We roll out around 2pm. Looks like its going to be very very cold in Abilene. Talk about a different life. The Lord has been good to us. Let's talk of the simple gifts.
1. 2 new uhaul trucks, so we dont have to worry about breaking down
2. 65 degree weather to load the truck in, and if you know anything of us ellers, that means not a lot of sweating
3. friends who are more than willing to help us out, and laugh with
4. not going to the hospital after the hideabed landing on my knees while loading it in the truck, but laughing uncontrollably because i could not move
5. kids who are excited about our move, even though they don't grasp the complexity of it
6. coffee.

Well. My post is being moved. I think the verbatim goes something like this.

"you must be an indian fighter."
"you must be an indian fighter. it says you want to be assigned west, so i assumed you must be an indian fighter."
"no sir"
"no sir?!?"
"no sir, i want to see the frontier."
"you wanna see the frontier"
"yes, before it is gone."

So there it is. Packing my wagon with Timmons to head off to Fort Sedgwick.
(music plays, Cisco strides, and I feel the Wind blow through my being)
Put that in your book.


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