Friday, November 11, 2005

Happy Veterans' Day

I'd like to extend my thanks, and most heart felt gratitude to everyone of our brothers and sisters who have fought for my freedom. Scripture states there is no greater love than for someone to lay down his life for his friend. And I'm thankful for that love. Without, we would not be strong. Without it, we would not be weak. The love of compassion, the love of mercy, the love a forgiven prisoner could only experience its truth to be forgiven.

My Papa fought in WWII, in the 30th division, 119th Infrantry, in company B. He's told me some stories, and I sure wish I could remember them all, but one of our favorites, is similar to many survivors of war. He and his company were going from house to house in the streets, much like we saw in the movie Saving Private Ryan. He and 13 comrades went into this house. Minutes later, he and 1 other man were alive. After a bomb hit and killed his 12 friends.

Another time, they were roaming through a house and heard the whistle coming close, and crashing through the roof and the second floor they were standing on, coming to rest on the 1st floor. It was a dud. How close he was to losing his life, but he was given life.

Papa told me the worst lost of his company came when they were going through houses in Germany. A line of 14 of them going through, and the medic was in the back. he was 3 days from completing his tour and being sent home. when he was shot right in the neck, and died instantly.

I sit and listen sometimes to the shotgun fire while out hunting, and try to imagine the sounds of war. What its like to fear for your safety 24/7. Or at least not know of your safety. These men are brave. And they are my hero's. War sucks. But our brothers are good. They fight for me, they fight for you.

I'm glad Tate has met one of the greatest men I know. That's right buddy, you keep looking up at him.

Joseph Frank Conner


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