Thursday, October 27, 2005

Who's the Boss?

Remember that show? Back in the 80's. Well, lets think about it now. In light of all that's going on in the country and world today, who is in charge at your house?

Last night at church, we watched a video by Kevin Leman about how our marriages will shape our kids marriage. How we treat our spouse, how we respect and honor, and how we fight and argue, will give permission to our children to go look for that spouse we are being and the one we are living with. Something I also remember reading in "Bringing Up Boys" by James Dobson, was about how the role and movement of women and feminists, have stomped on the sacred appointment of men as the spiritual leaders of the home. Is it across the board? No. I'm sure many of you strive to keep this structure. But it is scary to look out and see what is going on.

I read an article this morning on comparing the metrosexuals and the urbersexuals. Some type-cast description put on men, who are becoming more feminine. Who will fight our wars if our camo consists of pink and mauve designs? Who will arrest the criminals running from law if the lawmen are afraid they'll break a nail?

from foxnews "Talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who reportedly was disappointed to be left off the list of ubersexuals, told listeners: "An 'ubersexual' is simply what men used to be before feminists came along and neutered them. It is hilarious that we now have a book claiming women want, essentially, a new type of man, who is in reality the traditional man."

I just don't get it sometimes. Where is the leadership we as men need to have, going? Are you the man of the house? Does your family look to your for spiritual guidance? How about in your church? Are you volunteering to teach, serve communion, say prayers? Does the youth see their church being led by strong, male role models, living the life of a Christian?

God designed us male and female for a reason. He gave us gifts and roles. There is structure in that design, and there is a promise. Do not let the world take away your strengths to appease its desire for evil and lust for more. Our children need to see men as strong, dedicated, spiritual warriors, fighting for the family and fighting for our churches.

And with that, let me remind you about the upcoming election, where we as TEXANS have the opportunity to keep marriage defined as a union between ONE man and ONE woman. Because if this fight is lost, we will have a great deal many fights ahead for the sanctity of God.
This is such a great fight, that the Houston Chronicle even published a false, misleading article to keep people from voting entitled Critics: Prop 2 threatens even traditional marriage Oct. 25, 2005, 1:50AM. But make sure you read the link above, stating this is a misleading and deceptive article.

Our families and our churches are sacred institutions, created and honored by God and for God. Fight hard for them.

Monday, October 24, 2005

best movie

Friday afternoon, I picked up 2 pink lilies, 1 for Jen and 1 for Blakely. Went home, and picked up Blakely for a date. We went to see "Dreamer" at 4pm. This is, by far, the best movie I have seen in a long time. But to say its better than Dances with Wolves could be a stretch, but it is right up there with it.
It took all I had to keep from breaking down in the middle of the PG rated movie in front of Blakely. There was parts in the movie that were so moving, emotionally, excitement, seeing Kris Kristofferson again (haha), that it just made my day. It was fun. It was clean, for the most part. No sex scenes, no cussing (d*mn and he*l) were the only words used maybe 5-6 times, and lots of excitement. The race at the end, was just as fun as watching a real race. Even though we knew who would win, there was somehow some overflow of joy as Dreamer crossed the line. So much so, that people clapped in the theatre.
So I recommend you go see it. But be ready to go see a really good movie. Family movie. Great filming. Great actors. Real. Speaking of, we're going to buy a horse farm. Haha.

After posting this, I noticed that even on the website of the movie, they have a bible study guide that goes along with this movie. What kind of movies have this available?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Sunday with Steve

Don't you just love on the news, how everything has to have that silly title with the same letter starting each word? I'm sure theres a proper English term for that, Ms.Matthews would not be happy I forgot, but it really annoys me. Therefore, I'll use it here, to grab your eyes. Just like "Tsunami Tragedy". When really, tsunami sounds like an "s", so should be Tsunami Sadness.

This Sunday, I was extended the opportunity to preach at my uncles church in Allen, TX. I have always enjoyed standing and speaking, so this should fit me just fine. But I have found, once again, how teaching a class actually encourages and teaches me. I always felt this when I would teach bible class, but this time, maybe the title of my sermon would shed some light on this renewed feeling. I got the title from the story of Jesus calming the storm, in Luke 8. When he asks his disciples, "Where is your faith?"
In the midst of our storms, trials, struggles, daily decisions to follow Christ ... where is my faith. It has definitely helped in making some good decisions this week. And for that, I am thankful to be forced into studying scripture. And look forward to the many days of life to come, that will shed new light on the love and presence of the Holy Spirit in my walk with Jesus.
Maybe we'll have an audio for you of Sundays lesson.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

trick or treat

I've been trying to put off writing this post, but now I 'have time' to do it. And figure you may need to hear this as we go into our times of what the world calls holiday season of Halloween.
Growing up, we used to dress up in our favorite costumes, go door to door, asking folks for candy. Tricks or treats... but mainly treats we hoped. I remember a time I put on my brother black mask, of some sort of zombie demon. Got on my bike on the front porch and waited for the neighbor kids to come outside. (as I write this, i can't help but laugh) Brad stood inside at the window and watched, and they came out. I screamed at the top of my voice and road my bike down the sidewalk, jumped the curb and headed straight at them. You should have seen their faces. Terror like nothing I had ever seen before. And when they turned to run, they ran like the old movies put on fast forward, accompanied by the player piano. Literally, scared to death. Well, I decided after seeing their 4 year old faces in terror, I should go to the back and let them know it was just me. However, I don't remember anything past that. It was funny at the time, and even looking back, but the horror involved in their minds is probably not something a flowerer of Jesus Christ can be proud of.
So what?! Well, the last few years I have come to realize how real Spiritual warfare is in our lives. Whether we choose to see it or not. Whether we want to believe it. Its there. The devil is real, and he has angels, demons and forces who work for him. Just like our God has angels, the Holy Spirit, Jesus and a "great cloud of witnesses" working for Him. Maybe I can blame Joe Beam for this revealed reality, but I appreciate the work he's done to open our eyes to "See the Unseen". In his book, and listening to his seminars on the subject, I have concluded that Halloween is not a day to "celebrate" as the world celebrates it. I enjoy the times with my family, dressing up in costumes and going to church for little Trunk o' Treat time. It's there that we don't see any ghosts, goblins, witches, demons, devils, draculas, nothing. Those beings are not something to relate to, at least to me. Our department is putting on a "festival" for Oct.31st and it was decided to have some sort of film festival. Yesterday, someone asked me if I wanted to help out as an actor for the short film. (some horror film competition) They said the only character they needed was the Doctor from Hell, or the devil. I immediately said, ohhh no thank you. She asked me if it was against my religion, jokingly I'm sure. At which point I replied, I do not wish to be like the devil, even dress up like him. No thank you.
So what are you saying Steve? I'm saying, we are to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We are to reflect the image of God and Christ in all that we do. We are to be a light on the hill. Participating in such "disguises" seems to be the opposite of what we are called. It's ok to go out and enjoy yourself with friends and family, and have a "fall festival" gathering, but I think we need to be careful at how we "dress up" and show ourselves to the world and to the Enemy of Jesus Christ.
ok... off the soap box. Have a good day.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Consider it pure joy

Wednesday night, we began some new classes at church. I attended the men's class, to talk about being God's man in the face of temptation. During our discuss, we read the first chapter of James (v.1-12). Where he talks about "pure joy" when we face trials of many kinds. Perservering through our trials of life, and receiving the crown of life. Written on the board it looks so easy, all you have to do is walk the line, until you receive your crown. Don't waiver. Stay the course.
So I threw out the question, "what happens when you get tired of perservering?"
Not really needing or wanting an answer, but just wanted to say it. Because how many men, actually, how many people get tired of sticking to the course? Perservering? How do we do it? What keeps us focused? What happens when we fall? Oh the trials of life. Pure joy, to test and grow our faith. To learn new things, to build upon the faith we thought we had, and refine ourselves in the fires of life. It's hard. Life is hard, and that is what I wanted people to hear. We are going to undergo a great deal of hardship in life. Losing jobs, losing spouses, losing friends, losing kids, losing parents. Our entire life is a grief process of trying to keep and hold on to those things that are most precious to us. But just as I stated in class, its like Opposite George (Seinfeld). Where if every inclination I have ever had has been wrong, then to do the opposite is right. If all I want to do is hold on.. I need to let go. If all I want to do is cry, then I need to smile. If all I want to do is give up ... then I need to hold on. If I want to live, I need to die. There is so much mystery about life, but we have the Creator of life holding our hand as we walk through our "joyous" times of trials, struggles, temptations and questions. He is faithful. If we stand for him, he will stand for us. Praise God.

Running the Race

It's scheduled for January 15, 2006. And I'm planning on running it with my brother. The Houston Marathon ... we'll at least 1/2 of it. Last night we attended the directors dinner for Cornerstone Christian Academy, where our 2 oldest are going 2days a week. We watched a video of the Hoyt family, running a race together. While sitting there watching this, I begin to think. You see, I had signed up for the 1/2 marathon in July. But decided a few weeks after, I could not do it. But last night, I made a decision, to run for Ira. He would be my reason to run the race, if it's not for any other. I am going to do this. You will see pictures of my with IRA HAYS written all over my arms and shirt, crossing the finish line with my lime green band.
Now, I better start running.
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