Thursday, August 31, 2006

Happy Birthday Tate!!!!!

While most of the country remembers this time of year as the worst natural disaster in our nations history, we remember it as one of the best days of our lives. The day little Tate was born. So we celebrated tonight his coming into the world, by filling him up with powdered sugar icing, as well as his siblings. Right, maybe not the smartest thing at 7:30pm, but we had fun. Much like the healing of the lame man's hand on the sabbath, this is about relationships more than rules. So let's move on....

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My first day

So here they are, the pictures of my first day of school. Nice picture taking from Blakely huh. Jen and I went to opening chapel, to kick off the next phase of life. Sorry, no pictures of that. Too much to write about how school is, so lets just say, its good. Doesn't feel like school. I like the reading, and learning. And know this is going to be a good learning time.

Monday, August 28, 2006

August 27, 1995

It was exactly, to the day, 11 years ago I proposed to Jennifer. It was the Sunday night before we began our senior year of college. And we went to the Sunday night devotional at Univ CC. After that, we headed off to an ice cream shop to enjoy some time together, which was a common occurrence for us. But, I had other plans.
We drove right by, and stopped at the Paramount theatre. Right out front. There was a new coffee shop or something next door, I think, that I said we were going to go try, but instead, I took Jennifers hand and we opened the door to the Paramount.. at 9:45pm. She was somewhat hesitant. Not sure of what was happening... I let her know, it was fine. Ha, have you heard that tone before?
We walked in, to a completely empty theatre, into the lower level, and there on the stage was a black grand piano, with a dozen white roses on top, and an old oil lamp giving light over the keys. We walked to the front, climbed the stairs, and I took a seat on the bench. Jennifer sat down, and I began to play an Eller original. Which means, I have no idea what it was, it was just a waterfall of chords and arpeggios up and down the keyboard. Soft, soothing sounds, within the grand environment of this beautiful place, and with someone I was hoping to spend the rest of my life with.
I finished the song, and got up. Jennifer got up too, and I told her to sit down on the bench. At this point, I was somewhat shaking. Probably from trying to reach the ring box in the side pocket of the truck earlier, as we made circles around town. I got down on one knee, said some things that came to my heart, about how much I loved her, and how much I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. And for her to accept me as her husband.
What a pivotal moment in both of our lives. Far from being easy, but our marriage has been blessed through those struggles and joys. Death and life. Sickness and health. Rich and poor. Better and even worse, no worst. We both made a decision, to be married, and that divorce is not an option. A vital decision to be made, before those moments of trial are encountered. And as we prepared our lives together, we decided we would be there for each other, as our final goal, was to help the other get to heaven.
There is none other in this world I would want for my wife. For the last 10+ years of marriage, we have grown and been sharpened by each other. Those days we can look back on, as landmark moments in our lives, are there to give us permission to share our story. And to be a witness to what God can do when you invite him to be important in your marriage. For this love between us, would not be the same, without the love of Christ.
Thank you for saying YES Jennifer.


Saturday, August 26, 2006

1 year later

As we approach the anniversary of the natural disasters of the history, we also approach Tate's 1 year birthday. As I recall, sitting in the triage room, waiting for a room, we watched the flood waters of Katrina, and the many folks trying to find a way out. A great analogy for what Tate went through, right? I got his birthday video made, and it's longer than either of the other 2 kids. Not sure what happened, but I thought the 3rd kid didn't get many pictures or videos taken. Well, this one did. It's hard not to, considering his name means "Cheerful one". Few more days, and little Tater will be 1.
Monday I start classes for school, and a student worker position. It will be about 12hrs/week, and I think it will be a great experience. It is in the University counseling center. In case you wondered what you could pray for, it would probably be my brain. It seems there is still some plasticity within, so I'm just hoping these decisions to add more to my day doesn't precipitate the grey matter to concrete.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

1st Day of Kindergarten

It started out early today, eggs and waffles for breakfast, for everyone. Jackson seemed excited to not be the only one up this morning, but joined by his sister. For some reason, Blakely had a bad dream last night, and ended up spending the rest of the night cuddled between her two biggest fans. We took the boys to class first, then Blakely. Walked half a block to school, with mom guiding her to her classroom. Of course, we had to stop for a few pictures and such. Everything went well, and as expected. We were able to hold it together. I think. Blakely was first one in her classroom, but there were a few more lined up behind her. She knew this was going to be her 1st day of school dress. Don't you think it was perfect.
So what was the surprise this morning? Well, it was somewhat cloudy, with a few sprinkles, and as we looked down the street, we saw a rainbow in the sky. I told Blakely it was God, saying He promises to be with her all day ... and so does her mom and dad. And then, we thought, maybe it was Noah, making a rainbow with all the balloons he has stored in heaven.
And so it begins. Life. A new season. Ready or not, here we come.

Click picture for slideshow

Saturday, August 12, 2006

a fishin' we will go ...

We had a little get away last night to a friends pond, to see if we could scare up some fish. Well, we managed to scare up some dark clouds, a few cattle, and one of the 10 plagues, swarm of dragonflies. We had a good time though. The kids did a great job casting their own bobbers or as Jack calls it, "bombers" in the water. Enjoy:

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Kids say the darndest things

I better write this down, before it slips my mind again.
We got a treadmill a few weeks ago, used, so that I wouldn't have to run in the 101 degree weather. I'm waiting for it to warm up a bit. So the last few days I have run 2 miles on it, and would look at the stats when I was done. You know, 346calories, 105fat grams...etc. So yesterday, Blakely and I went to eat at Target together. Where they have the best hot dogs and chips. As I was reading the calories for the chips, I said, "I'm really going to have run today".
Later, after running, Blakely and I went up to the ACU library to read. Well, I went to read, she went to ask me questions. We got a bottle of Caramel Frapp from Starbucks, and I was reading the calories, as we sat in the booth. I said, "Whew, that's a lot of calories." To which Blakely replied, "Does that mean you're going to have to run again?" ........
Oh these talks of ours are getting more personal. *SIGH*

Last night on the way home from church, Jackson, unbeknownst to me where we picked up this phrase, was talking to Jen about something, and yelled out "What's your problen!!!" (Yes, with an N). To which Jen turned around and tried to respond, but couldn't because I was laughing. Sorry. HAHAHA.

Tate, well, he hasn't started talking yet. But he does love to pick up things, and then stand. I think he's going to be one strong fella'. I think they are all going to be STRONG, in their own ways. And we are enjoying it.

Monday, August 07, 2006

School Bell

And so it begins, the first of a few weeks of big change in the eller house. Today, Jack and Tate went off to school together. Tate's first day away from home (or is it my first day away from Tate?). They had a great time the other night meeting their teachers, but it just opens us up to the reality of the next phase, Blakely in Kindergarten. Next week we'll have new pictures of that event. So last Friday, we had "Fun Day" for our last day of Summer at home together. Traveled to ACU to walk around, went bowling, ate McDonalds. I think though, it was really more for me, than them. But here are some pictures to enjoy anyway.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hang 10

Yesterday I got Jackson something to play on. Unfortunately, to me, I did not foresee the relation to Sportacus and his new board. He wants to jump over walls, and is already flipping up the back and jumping off it. Jackson, if you didn't know, is a visual learner. One night at some friends house here in town, he saw a 9 yr old boy doing a flip on the trampoline. When it was his turn to get on, Jackson went head first onto the mat, trying to flip his feet in the air. I asked him what he was doing, and he said, that boy did it. I guess we need to prepare ourselves for a cast or two.

Tate's favorite book, "Kings Row" by Henry Bellamann.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

3's Company

Today is Blakely's last day of summer time school, till Kindergarten. AHHHHH.
So here are the kids outside before we left this morning. The next few weeks are going to be crazy.
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