Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Wed night thoughts & more

We went to Highland again this evening. I think its healthy to not give up on going to church, so I'm not. I met a few people after services and hopefully will remember them all. Ralph and Jerry were 2 tonight. Maybe I wont forget now since I wrote them down here.
But during our prayer time this evening, I opened my bible to Ecclesiastes for some insight into my prayers as well as anything I needed to hear. So I came across the verses from Ecc. 7:4
The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning, but the heart of fools is in the house of pleasure.
Does this relate to our worship time? Or how does it relate to me specifically... I thought it did a good job of stating we need more lamenting in our worship. Probably totally off base... but what else is new.
I miss my hospital visits from my internship. The times I got to spend meeting lots of new folks and interacting with them in a good way. Praying for people and hurting with people. Mourning, I guess you would say. The thought ran through my head to see what sort of volunteer work I could find doing the chaplain business here at Abilene.

Today, we took a bike ride up the hill to visit Great (a friends grandmother). And I must say, it was uphill, with the 50mph wind at my face the entire way. We stopped 5 times I think to take a break. I bought this trailer that goes behind the bike for Blakely and Jackson, and they really loved the ride. Especially the way home when it was all down hill. If you don't think ACU is on the hill, I'll let you pull the kids up Campus Ct to University church. Next week the kids start Rainbow school 2days a week and Jen starts her job. So we'll start a new schedule with all of us, so we can try to get back to "normal".
I got some bad news about a friend I met at MDA. As it was put, you wonder how much more crap you can deal with because you are already at your breaking point, and then something else happens. I am thankful for my compassionate heart to those hurting and fighting through illness. It hurts me that things don't just stop. That diseases don't just go away. That results from longterm illness don't just )@(#)$( quit bothering them. But I know there is a God who provides for us. And my faithfulness in him strives to remain even when I see no end in sight.

Lots of rambles here. Thanks for tagging along. Tomorrow is a new day... what are you going to do with it?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


We have internet access, and with it, comes VOIP telephone. So I think we're definately making headway. But for now, since Jackson is running around with his pants down after going to the potty, I'll just copy the stuff I wrote out the other night.
Thanks for checking in....

from Sunday, March 26, 2006
We are in Abilene. That’s about all we know for sure. Where our clothes are, where the toys are, where the food is, and why are there so many boxes are those yet to be determined. What took weeks to accomplish, only was a matter of hours to be undone. So whats happened so far, you must be wondering. We let me tell you. We ventured out for lunch at CFA, return the uhaul, go to Lowes to buy a shower faucet. While we were unloaded the car, I look out in the street to see a black lab, just like our, with a red collar, just like ours, and what do you know, he comes when I yell his name. Wow. And look, across the street, another dog, a beagle. Well, you guessed it, they found their way out. Luckily they found their way back.
We went to Highland this morning, jumped in head first. Hit the 1st service 8:15am, then class. Kids went to church, then dismissed to God’s Garden (bible hour) and then to bible class. We ran into some folks we knew, some we knew of, and now some we know. It was even an honor to be lifted up in prayer in class this morning, before people we didn’t even know, but our friend Patrick was kind enough to share his heart. I’m not sure how much visiting around we’ll do, for churches that is. During the service, the songs they were singing seem to be right on with my spirit. And of course, they had to sing the “Greatest Commandment” song, so I’d feel right at home, shedding a tear during church.
We had lunch with some friends of my parents, and now friends of ours. I love those small towns, where folks just run to meet you. It makes you really sit down and think how good of a job I did when I would see new faces. I must say, we feel welcomed and wanted.

11:00pm -I just got back from my 2nd trip to wally mart, to start refilling the fridge. Soon, I’ll remember everything I’m supposed to get everytime I go. It seems I get my wanted item on every x+1 attempt.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Today is the day

I can't believe its finally here, the day we have been talking about moving to Abilene. We spent the night with mom/dad because all our matresses were packed up. Uhaul was loaded with big stuff by 5pm yesterday, now we just have to figure out what needs to go from garage and if we should take the dogs... yes I'm kidding. Everything in garage is going. hahahaa.

We roll out around 2pm. Looks like its going to be very very cold in Abilene. Talk about a different life. The Lord has been good to us. Let's talk of the simple gifts.
1. 2 new uhaul trucks, so we dont have to worry about breaking down
2. 65 degree weather to load the truck in, and if you know anything of us ellers, that means not a lot of sweating
3. friends who are more than willing to help us out, and laugh with
4. not going to the hospital after the hideabed landing on my knees while loading it in the truck, but laughing uncontrollably because i could not move
5. kids who are excited about our move, even though they don't grasp the complexity of it
6. coffee.

Well. My post is being moved. I think the verbatim goes something like this.

"you must be an indian fighter."
"you must be an indian fighter. it says you want to be assigned west, so i assumed you must be an indian fighter."
"no sir"
"no sir?!?"
"no sir, i want to see the frontier."
"you wanna see the frontier"
"yes, before it is gone."

So there it is. Packing my wagon with Timmons to head off to Fort Sedgwick.
(music plays, Cisco strides, and I feel the Wind blow through my being)
Put that in your book.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Blakely's 5

Well today Blakely is 5. Wow. This morning Jen took her to Beauty and the Beast theatre performance, while me and the boys went to have kolaches and run to Target. T-2days, and the house is looking more and more like a giant box. It is amazing how much stuff we have, or should I say crap. I was telling Jen the other night how funny it is I have had my closet packed up for almost 2 weeks, but yet still seem to have clothes to wear. A lot of junk. Who knows, maybe this time of transition will help us reevaluate what is needed, and what is not. I know we have all we need laying in the beds, the rest is comfort items.
Yesterday was my last day of work.. for a long time. It was a hard, fun, tiring, exciting day. There were tears shed and great big hugs from friends who are more like family. I realized I had not worked with people like this before, and was appreciative of the experience as well as education. It was truly a blessing, which I will continue to be blessed by.
We had BK's party Sunday, with friends and family. What seemed to really be a going away party. It was nice. Everyone is so supportive of our move, even though this transition affects them as well. I really like the cheese-nuts covered in cake below, Jack and Dayne.
Well, I'm not sure how days can seem longer than others, but this week sure seems like it should be over by now. But I like that it's not.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

1 week left

Here are the latest pics of the last week in our home in Houston.
Tonight, Jack and I went to the rodeo to see Alan Jackson... except we didn't make it till then. Oh well. The carousel seemed to be more fun to him, than sitting for 2.5hrs, go figure.

Blakely is the big sister, can you tell?

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Last night at church, we were given a going away reception at church. A very powerful time to be loved on by those we have been close to at our church these last few years... or should I say, decade. The next 2 weeks of life are going to be quite foggy and confusing. I'm taking a trip tomorrow and try to move in as much as we can before the final move date March24th.
I've come to love my kids in a new way. When I leave for work, Blakely always makes sure I don't go until she goes to the dining room window, to sign I love you, and blow kisses to me as I back out of the driveway.
Let's see, what else.....Sunday we had baby dedication at church, for all those children born over the last year. Well, in honor of Noah and Ira, I wore my tie I bought for Noah's service, and made sure my green Ira band was showing as I held up my boy Tate for all to see. The lives of those boys have impacted our family greatly. Blakely still prays constantly for Ira and all the babies who are sick. Her heart is great with love for babies. Even though she says she doesn't want to be married or have kids....she'll be a good mother someday. She and Jack continue to tickle me, with their stories and lives. Tate's eyes and love for his daddy gives me a kickstart on those hard days. Especially now that he loves to chew on my nose, and send slobber all over the place. It sure is refreshing when your children can make you laugh, really laugh. Like sticking their finger in your bellybutton while wrestling on the floor. Or acting out bible stories while we read at night. Jackson retold the entire story of Jonah last night at dinner. Almost word for word from what it says in his little bible. 6 pages of verbatims, spat out over a hotdog. Amazing. His memory is awesome and will be powerful.

We will miss our constant connections to those in Houston, but will not necessarily be too far gone. I don't know what 4 years looks like or where we'll end up. But I do know the home we have here in MoCity is a blessing to be remembered for the rest of our lives.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

On this day.. 20yrs ago

I was baptized 20 years ago today, March 5, 1986. Wow.
I wouldn't say that one day changed my life, but my life has been changing daily.

I told Blakely tonight about what today was, with little more inquiry into the event other than, oh. But daily, it's nice to look back on where we've come from, and who we are today, based upon the road we've been traveling. A journey that would not be worth it, without the love and forgiveness of each other and Jesus Christ.

Happy Birthday to us all. Steve

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Tate, whew

There is a lot to sigh about lately, but let me tell you of one.

I was sitting here a few moments ago working on a verbatim for work, as Jen was giving Tate a bottle, and hear her say, "Come on Tate!!" I jump up, because those were not normal words, and the tone of voice was not normal either. And she follows up with, "He's not breathing!!!!"

I run into the den, and pound on his back, as he is struggling to get that crap of powdered milk turned liquid out of his mouth. At this point, he was still sitting up, and I said, lay him on his belly, at the same time I grabbed him and put his head facing down in my left hand, his belly on my left forearm, and beat the crap out of his back. I heard a little cough, and some goop began dripping out, at which point, I finger swept his tongue and hit his gag reflex, and boom, the junk came out on the floor. He was very tired as it was, and I guess was not ready for food. And being an Eller does not do well to your allergies and sinus cavities. So there you have it. He's back in bed. I don't even think we spent a total of 1 minute doing all that. I noticed his hands twitching a little, and picked him up to make sure he was ok. I looked in his eyes, made him cry some more, stood him up, squeezed his hand.....I think that's enough for me. I can do without these scares of life. I'm not even sure how we're supposed to feel. Do we feel anything? Scared sh9tless? maybe so. Adrenaline finding its way back to the hypothalamus, or just being secreted out through sweat glands. But for now. I gotta go to bed, and hope my heart stops pounding.
But I have one question, how many times do you think, call 911, before you really do?
Sigh........................ Happy 6months buddy.

I love my family in NY, Joe and Laura, Sophia and Ira.
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